Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #11

It’s here!  My first issue of Spider-Man!  

EVERY page from this book is available as a package deal for $3950, all 20 pages –  all yours!  That’s a significant discount off the individual page prices.  This complete book deal is only available until 11:59pm September 25th.  If no one has snapped it up, I’ll then be offering individual pages for sale – again only for a limited time and then I’ll be pulling them from the market.  

The “entire book” deal offer has passed.  Please visit the shop to purchase individual pages!  


If you want some art – now is the time! 


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The INVADERS are back! SECRET EMPIRE: BRAVE NEW WORLD #1 – Penciled and inked by Brian Level, these pages will ONLY be available at shows.

If there’s a page you want you can order it now and we’ll hold it for you at the show for pickup. This ensures you get the page you want!

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”2″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”1″ thumbnail_width=”180″ thumbnail_height=”272″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”20″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”0″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] 



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Artist Brian Level talks Golden Age inspiration for his Invaders story!




Everything changed when Captain America revealed that he now leads Hydra. Between the events of SECRET EMPIRE #0 and #1, he went from pretending to be part of S.H.I.E.L.D., to running the world with the likes of Kraken, Madame Hydra, Viper, Arnim Zola, and the rest.

Even with morale at an all-time low, many heroes strive to overthrow the new regime, including some of Rogers’ closest allies: Namor, Toro and the original Human Torch, Jim Hammond. Thanks to writer Paul Allor and artist Brian Level’s SECRET EMPIRE: BRAVE NEW WORLD, the team will do everything they can to get their friend back to normal…if possible.

We talked with Level about drawing such classic characters, dealing with betrayal, and working on a huge event like this. How are Steve Rogers’ oldest compatriots—Human Torch, Namor, and Toro—taking the news that he’s now leading Hydra?

Brian Level: I think there’s a certain amount disbelief. Toro and Hammond, they’ve escaped [Hydra] but it’s almost as if they’re experiencing it in third person. They still speak with a familiar optimism and idealism even when the chips are falling into the sewer.

Namor on the other hand, doesn’t give much in the feelings department. He’s still the cold, straightforward, rude boy that we all know and love. Namor clearly has a lot of gears turning beneath the surface and when all that bubbles up it’s likely to get…interesting. I’d imagine they’re working from a place of confusion and anger. Are those some of the major emotions coming across on the page?

Brian Level: Absolutely. I think Toro and Hammond especially are working through a lot of this. It’s been great to draw these two reacting up against Namor keeping things calm. I’ve been trying to keep the atmosphere tense and make everyone feel off balance. Playing with panel layouts to make the pages more suffocating or anxious. I feel like this is a disorienting time for a lot of the Marvel Universe so I want to channel that onto the page. It looks like part of the story involves a trip to Namor’s realm. How is it playing with that kind of environment?

Brian Level: Since the rules are a little different down there, Atlantis is a great place to play with locations and positioning of characters in the scene to varying effect. It’s very alien in a way. Structured and governed but with a wildness lurking in every shadow. Sneaking little creatures in here and there is a lot of fun too! The architecture bounces between familiar and unusual. It’s a great place to draw. Thanks to Paul’s sharp script I’m getting to play with a variety of architecture and environments in the scenes, so I’ve been trying to reflect that in my page layouts. It’s been a great experience. Atlantis is definitely a place I’d like to revisit. Were you able to dig in and work on designs for any returning classic characters or new villains?

Brian Level: Well, I believe in the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality. There have been some good, elegant designs for me to walk right into on this story. I’ve put more energy into environments and architecture and atmosphere. Trying to create environments that are fitting of these classic characters is a great honor and joy. I have gotten to cut loose on creating some sea-life though! How has it been working with Paul on such a huge story so far?

Brian Level: Paul is a good a friend so for fun I really wanna spend a paragraph talking about how he’s a nightmare and blah blah blah, but he’s a fantastic and considerate writer. He’s such a capable writer and I’m pretty much trying to keep up. It’s nice to be able to trust his writing and he trusts my art. Paul is an excellent collaborator and is as mindful of the visual part of the process as anyone else that I’ve worked with. The experience between Paul and [editor] Charles [Beacham] and the rest of editorial has been great from top to bottom. We’re trying to make this big event sing it’s best song and hopefully the story makes some…ummm…waves.


Paul Allor and Brian Level reunite the Invaders in SECRET EMPIRE: BRAVE NEW WORLD #1, on sale June 7!




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Brian’s latest project with Marvel was just announced today!









Last year, the jaws of Marvel Comics fans everywhere dropped down to the floor when it was revealed that Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, one of the pillars of the Avengers and the entire Marvel Universe, was in fact a secret HYDRA agent, and seemingly always had been. Writer Nick Spencer’s new Captain America series had everyone’s tongues wagging. How could the beacon of hope of the Marvel Universe, the representation of all that is just and good, have been an agent of the world’s most evil organization? Well, the answer had something to do with the Red Skull and Cosmic Cubes, but now all of HYDRA Cap’s sinister machinations are about to come to fruition in this summer’s upcoming event series Secret Empire.

Now Marvel is announcing Secret Empire: Brave New World, a companion series to Secret Empire which tells the story of how the Marvel Universe at large deals with the truth about Steve Rogers. The new series, which is set to debut in June, is written by Paul Allor (Uncanny Inhumans) with art by Brian Level (Deadpool) and an army of Marvel’s top creators following suit and detailing how every corner of the Marvel Universe lives in a world overrun by the hordes of Hydra. Brave New World calls out to the larger Marvel Universe as it encounters its darkest days and gathers an army of creative talent to tell the tales of how some of Marvel’s heroes – The Invaders, Blade, Gwenpool, and the All- New Patriot stand united against Captain America and Hydra.

Due to the manipulations of the Red Skull, Captain America now leads the Hydra charge against the entire Marvel Universe; under this new regime, Earth’s protectors are forced to come to grips with the revelation that one of their very own is now their greatest enemy. An essential companion series, Secret Empire: Brave New World expands on a world under the boot of Hydra and how Marvel heroes, from every corner of the globe, must band together against Captain America—including his oldest allies from World War II, The Invaders. Issue #1 is written by Paul Allor, Jeremy Whitley, and Nick Kocher, with art by art by Brian Level, Diego Olortegui, Will Robson. Issue #2 features art by Brian Level, Tana Ford, and Juan M. Frigeri. Both issues go on sale this June.

Read the entire article, including an in-depth interview with series writer Paul Allor and editor Charles Beacham here.

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